I am interested in a disparate set of topics in theoretical physics and its interdisciplinary applications. A central field of my research is statistical physics of classical and quantum systems, in particular disordered systems. As for inter-disciplinary applications I am currently working on Machine Learning and Theoretical Ecology. Although all these subjects could seem quite apart one from the other—and indeed they are thematically—which makes working on them a lot of fun, they all have some common ingredients such as dynamics in high-dimensional spaces, strong relationships with advanced modern methods in probability theory, and glassy behaviors.
Office GH215
Email giulio.biroli@ens.fr
Laboratoire de physique
de l’Ecole normale supérieure
24 rue Lhomond 75005 PARIS
Research Interests
- Slow dynamics of classical and quantum systems
- Disordered systems, classical and quantum glasses, random matrices and their applications
- Machine learning and high-dimensional statistics
- Emergent behaviours in large and interacting ecosystems
PhDs, internships and postdocs openings
Motivated and brilliant candidates are always welcome. Currently, I have open positions for one postdoc in “Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems and Glassy Dynamics”, and one postdoc in “Machine Learning & Statistical Physics”.
Teaching and Summer Schools
- Director of Master ICFP, teacher of the M2 course Advanced Statistical Physics and New Applications
- Director of the Beg Rohu Summer School of Physics
Research Networks and Synergetic Activities
- PI of the Simons Collaboration Cracking The Glass Problem
- Chair of the Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
- Director of the CFM-ENS Data Science Chair