Nom | Prénom | Directeur de thèse | Titre de la thèse |
ABBARA | Alia | Florent KRZAKALA | Statistical mechanics of Learning with correlated patterns |
APRETNA | Thibault | Juliette MANGENEY | THz laser emission based on Nanostructured graphene |
BATTISTA | Aldo | Rémi MONASSON | Low-dimensional continuous attractors in high-dimensional data: from statistical physics to machine learning and computational neuroscience |
BELLOMI | Elena | Michel PERAULT | Structure chimique 3D du milieu interstellaire turbulent |
BENSOUDA KORAICHI | Meriem | Aleksandra WALCZAK | Statistical biophysics models of immune repertoire dynamics |
BERLEMONT | Kevin | Jean-Pierre NADAL | Du codage neuronal à la prise de décision |
BLANCO MALERBA | Simone | Rava AZEREDO DA SILVEIRA | Computation and Coding in Neural and Cognitive Systems |
BUDZYNSKI | Louise | Guilhem SEMERJIAN | Barrières algorithmiques dans les problèmes aléatoires de satisfaction de contraintes |
CAMAGLIA | Francesco | Thierry MORA | Statistical analysis of thymic development |
CARPENTIER | Maxime | Abdou Rachid THIAM | Controlled protein targeting to lipid droplets |
CHARDÈS | Victor | Aleksandra WALCZAK | Learning the population dynamics of immune repertoires |
CHARTIER | Nicolas | Yashar AKRAMI / Nicholas KAISER | Understanding cosmic origins from galaxy surveys with Likelihood-Free Inference |
CRÉPEL | Valentin | Nicolas REGNAULT | Livin’ on the edge : from transitions to engineering in topological order through boundary effects |
D’ASCOLI | Stéphane | Giulio BIROLI | Energy Landscape and Dynamics of Deep Neural Networks |
DELL’OVA | Pierre | Antoine GUSDORF | Chocs, rayons cosmiques et formation stellaire dans les restes de supernovæ |
DELY | Hamza | Carlo SIRTORI | High-rate data transfer in the mid-infrared |
DÍAZ | Manuel Ignacio | Denis BERNARD | Non-equilibrium many-body systems and neuromorphic computing |
DODE | Antoine | Lydéric BOCQUET | Effets de textures sur la friction des coques |
DOUIN | Adèle | Frédéric LÉCHENAULT | Knit-quakes prediction through deep learning |
DUBOIS | Yaëlle | Christine GOURIER | Mécanismes membranaires de blocage à la polyspermie |
EMMERICH | Théo | Lydéric BOCQUET | Canaux ioniques ultimes pour l’étude du transport ionique |
FANTHOMME | Arnaud | Rémi MONASSON | Statistical Physics of Learning with High-Dimensional Neural Network Models |
FAUGERAS | Vincent | Abdou Rachid THIAM | Interaction lipides-protéines étudiée par la microfluidique |
FERRANDO | Gwenaël | Vladimir KAZAKOV | Les chaines de spin non-compactes dans les théories conformes en dimension d > 2 |
FILLETTE | Jules | Stephan Fauve | Dynamique de la focalisation d’ondes à la surface d’un fluide |
GAUTIÉ | Tristan | Pierre LEDOUSSAL | Systemes desordonnes, croissance et matrices aleatoires |
GERBELOT-BARRILLON | Cédric | Florent KRZAKALA | Statistical Learning of overparametrized models: a Statistical Physics Approach |
GOURMELON | Alexandre | Bernard PLAÇAIS | Spin and charge dynamics in topological edge states |
GUILLAUD | Jérémie | Mazyar MIRRAHIMI | Architecture Modulaire et Ingénierie de dissipation pour le Traitement de l’Information Quantique |
HAKY | Andrew | Angela VASANELLI | All-dielectric nanoplasmonics for infrared quantum emitters |
HAWECKER | Jacques | Sukhdeep DHILLON | Ultrafast dynamics and stimulated emission in intersubband polaritons |
HUANG | Pan Hui | Juliette MANGENEY | Graphene based THz technology |
ISACCHINI | Giulio | Aleksandra WALCZAK | Machine learning of immune repertoire interactions. |
KANG | Ling | Vincent HAKIM | Dynamique des réseaux neuronaux |
KANG | Seonggil | Sukhdeep DHILLON | Metasurface based THz amplifier |
KAVOKINE | Nikita | Lydéric BOCQUET | Théorie du transport nanofluidique actif |
KERJOUAN | Romaine | Robson FERREIRA | Monitoring a quantum phase transition with a superconducting quantum bit |
KERJOUAN | Romaine | Robson FERREIRA | Synchrotron based THz emitter based on corrugated 2D materials |
KRIZMAN | Gauthier | Yves GULDNER | Topological Phase Transitions in materials |
LE GOFF | Romaric | Bernard PLAÇAIS | Photodétecteurs infra-rouge GHz basés sur des hétéro-structures de van der Waals |
LE PRIOL | Clément | Pierre LE DOUSSAL | Systemes hors equilibre et desordonnes: avalanches et processus de croissance |
LI | Songyuan | Jan TROOST | Holography and Conformal Field Theory |
LI | Botao | Werner KRAUTH | «Beyond-Metropolis» Markov chains: From the foundations to applications in soft-matter statistical physics, quantum computation, and data science. |
MAILLARD | Antoine | Florent KRZAKALA | Statistical Learning and Replica Method:Toward realistic models |
MARCOTTE | Alice | Lydéric BOCQUET | Experiments on advanced nanofluidic transport towards ionic machines |
MASSABEAU | Sylvain | Juliette MANGENEY | THz lasers based on Graphene Quantum dots |
MESSELOT | Simon | Juliette MANGENEY | High quality factor cavities for THz emitter based on graphene |
MUKERJEE | Gauthier | Kay WIESE | Non-standard Field Theories |
NGHIEM | Trang Anh Estelle | Rava AZEREDO DA SILVEIRA | Computation and Coding in Neural and Cognitive Systems |
ORIOL | Elie | Vincent HAKIM | Neural learning with perturbations and a global error |
PAPADOPOULOS | Vassilis | Costas BACHAS | Gravité Massive et Holographie |
PELLET-MARY | Clément | Gabriel HÉTET | Quantum Optics with Single Atoms in Diamonds |
PRABHUDESAI | Gaurav | Stephan FAUVE | Studying and modeling of turbulent bifurcations |
QIAO | Jiaxin | Vyacheslav RYCHKOV | Mathematical Aspects of Conformal Field Theory in D Dimensions |
QIN | Liang | Werner KRAUTH | Irreversible Markov-chains for Realistic Coulombic Systems: from Water to Proteins |
QU | Qiuyang | Martine BEN AMAR | Mechano-transduction in epithelia |
RAPHAËL | Lescanne | Takis KONTOS | Engineering Multi-Photon Dissipation In Superconducting Circuits For Quantum Error Correction |
REGALDO-SAINT BLANCARD | Bruno | François LEVRIER / François BOULANGER | Nouveaux modèles statistiques de l’émission polarisée des poussières interstellaires sur la voie des modes B cosmologiques |
ROUSSEL | Clément | Simona COCCO | Restricted Boltzmann Machines to build generative models and to predict transition paths: Theory and Applications to Protein Data |
RUIZ ORTEGA | María | Thierry MORA | Statistical response in immune repertoires |
SANTINHO | Alexandre | Abdou Rachid THIAM | Mécanisme de demixtion des lipides neutres libres dans une bicouche permettant d’éviter le stress du réticulum endoplasmique |
SHARMA | Dhruv | Francesco ZAMPONI | Multiple equilibria: from the perceptron to macroeconomy |
SIEGELE | Christian | Mazyar MIRRAHIMI | Bosonic codes for quantum error correction with superconducting circuits |
SONG | Chao | Sukhdeep DHILLON | THz photonics based on 2D semiconductors |
SPISAK | Natanael | Aleksandra WALCZAK | Statistical inference of evolutionary paths |
TER BURG | Cathelijne | Kay WIESE | Avalanche dynamics for bounded disorder: Beyond ABBM |
THIBAUD | Richard | Pierre LESAFFRE | Caractéristiques de la dissipation turbulente dans le milieu interstellaire |
VAN KAN | Adrian | Alexandros ALEXAKIS | Critical transitions of rotating and stratified turbulence |
VERGNET | Hadrien | Jérôme TIGNON | THz Generation and Detection with semiconductor microcavities |
WALTER | Clément | François LEVRIER | L’apport des données Planck sur les avant-plans Galactiques en vue des futures missions CMB et de la détection des modes B |