International Union of Radio Science (URSI) has awarded the Booker Gold Medal 2023 to Carlo Sirtori, professor at ENS in the QUAD team, “for pioneering contributions in quantum science, leading to breakthroughs in device design and fabrication, opening mid-infrared and THz frequency ranges to optoelectronic semiconductor technology”.
The URSI is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation under the International Council for Science. It is responsible for stimulating and co-ordinating, on an international basis, studies, research, applications, scientific exchange, and communication in the fields of radio science. For this, it acknowledges scientific research in the field of Radio Science through awarding individuals with a number of URSI Awards. The Booker Gold Medal, first awarded in 2002, is attributed for outstanding work in telecommunications or a related science.
This medal is following the CNFRS URSI-France medal received in 2022 by Carlo Sirtori.
Author affiliation:
Laboratoire de physique de L’École normale supérieure (LPENS, ENS Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université de Paris)
Corresponding author: Carlo Sirtori
Communication contact: Communication contact