Giulio Biroli, ENS Professor in the team “Disordered systems and applications”, has been awarded for his work in fields relating to the statistical physics of complex and disordered systems.

Aleksandra Walczak, CNRS Research Director with an international reputation in the team “Statistical physics and inference for biology”, has been awarded for her work at the interface between physics and biology.
– Replay of the CNRS 2024 medal ceremony : https://www.paris-centre.cnrs.fr/fr/evenement/ceremonie-des-medailles-cnrs-2024
Affiliation author:
Laboratoire de physique de L’École normale supérieure (LPENS, ENS Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université de Paris)
Corresponding author : Giulio Biroli et Aleksandra Walczak
Communication contact: Communication team