Emplois à pouvoir
Proposition de Poste à Venir
(published on february 07, 2024)
Junior Professor position in “Statistical Physics and Machine Learning”
Physics Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure
We are inviting applications for a « Junior Professor » (tenure-track) position at the Physics Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris. We are looking for bright young researchers, already having a very good track record, who will pursue an interdisciplinary activity at the interface between Statistical Physics and Machine Learning.
The junior professor will join the “Laboratoire de Physique” (LPENS), benefit from the outstanding scientific and academic environment of ENS, and become a member of the interdisciplinary ENS centre for data science. The selected candidate is expected to engage in original, independent and high-level research activity, and to perform teaching activities at the ENS physics department.
Candidates have to apply through https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/27110
They will be requested to upload a cover letter, a CV, full list of publications, a highlight of three to five selected major achievements, a description (3-to-5 pages) of the proposed research and teaching projects, and the names of three scientists to be contacted for letters of recommendation.
Interested candidates should send requests for additional information to the same address: giulio.biroli@ens.fr.
Deadline for application April 12th 2024.
Contrats post-doctoraux
Junior Research Chair at the Physics Department
Via the Labex program ENS-ICFP, the physics department of the Ecole normale supérieure appoints two new chairholders each year. Awardees are granted two-year postdoctoral positions with competitive salaries, travel funds as well as research allowances for experimentalists. The program aims at full integration of the JRCs into the department : a mentorship program is set up and JRC awardees participate in teaching.
More information can be found there.
Postdoctoral Position at the Philippe Meyer Institute for Theoretical Physics.
The Philippe Meyer Institute for theoretical physics aims at hiring outstanding candidates at a post-doctoral level in theoretical physics with some experience at the international level. Appointments will be for two years with a possible extension for a third year. Salary is competitive, according to international experience and qualification.
Other Postdoctoral Positions.
Depending on their grants, researchers and research teams at LPENS have various openings for post-doctoral positions. Look at their web-pages.
Contrats doctoraux
Ph.D. Fellowships
Les offres de thèses des équipes du LPENS, incluant les possibilités de financement, sont recensées sur les sites des écoles doctorales, l’ED564, l’ED127, ou l’ED397, auxquelles le LPENS est rattaché.
Elles peuvent également être consultées sur les pages des équipes de recherche.
Les offres de stages de recherche proposés au LPENS sont consultables sur les pages des équipes de recherche.