1 Stepwise molecular specification of excitatory synapse diversity onto cerebellar Purkinje cells
Maëla Paul, Séverine Sigoillot, Léa Marti, Francisco Urra Quiroz, Marine Delagrange, Hiu Cheung, David Martinelli, Elie Oriol, Vincent Hakim, Philippe Mailly, Fekrije Selimi
2024 - Nature Neuroscience
Maëla Paul, Séverine Sigoillot, Léa Marti, Francisco Urra Quiroz, Marine Delagrange, Hiu Cheung, David Martinelli, Elie Oriol, Vincent Hakim, Philippe Mailly, Fekrije Selimi
2024 - Nature Neuroscience
2 Inverse blebs operate as hydraulic pumps during mouse blastocyst formation
Markus F Schliffka, Julien G Dumortier, Diane Pelzer, Arghyadip Mukherjee, Jean-Léon Maître
2024 - Nature Cell Biology
Markus F Schliffka, Julien G Dumortier, Diane Pelzer, Arghyadip Mukherjee, Jean-Léon Maître
2024 - Nature Cell Biology
3 Self-organized tissue mechanics underlie embryonic regulation
Paolo Caldarelli, Alexander Chamolly, Aurélien Villedieu, Olinda Alegria-Prévot, Carole Phan, Jerome Gros, Francis Corson
2024 - Nature
Paolo Caldarelli, Alexander Chamolly, Aurélien Villedieu, Olinda Alegria-Prévot, Carole Phan, Jerome Gros, Francis Corson
2024 - Nature
4 [∼Re] Exploration in Model-based Reinforcement Learning by Empirically Estimating Learning Progress
Augustin Chartouny, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Mehdi Khamassi
2024 - The ReScience journal
Augustin Chartouny, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Mehdi Khamassi
2024 - The ReScience journal
5 A two-dimensional vertex model for curvy cell-cell interfaces at the subcellular scale
Kyungeun Kim, J M Schwarz, Martine Ben Amar
2024 - Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Kyungeun Kim, J M Schwarz, Martine Ben Amar
2024 - Journal of the Royal Society Interface
6 Long-wavelength traveling waves of vasomotion modulate the perfusion of cortex
Thomas Broggini, Jacob Duckworth, Xiang Ji, Rui Liu, Xinyue Xia, Philipp Mächler, Iftach Shaked, Leon Paul Munting, Satish Iyengar, Michael Kotlikoff, Susanne van Veluw, Massimo Vergassola, Gal Mishne, David Kleinfeld
2024 - Neuron
Thomas Broggini, Jacob Duckworth, Xiang Ji, Rui Liu, Xinyue Xia, Philipp Mächler, Iftach Shaked, Leon Paul Munting, Satish Iyengar, Michael Kotlikoff, Susanne van Veluw, Massimo Vergassola, Gal Mishne, David Kleinfeld
2024 - Neuron
7 Giant organelle vesicles to uncover intracellular membrane mechanics and plasticity
Alexandre Santinho, Maxime Carpentier, Julio Lopes Sampaio, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2024 - Nature Communications
Alexandre Santinho, Maxime Carpentier, Julio Lopes Sampaio, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2024 - Nature Communications
8 Perilipin membrane integration determines lipid droplet heterogeneity in differentiating adipocytes
Mario Majchrzak, Ozren Stojanović, Dalila Ajjaji, Kalthoum Ben M’barek, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Robin Klemm
2024 - Cell Reports
Mario Majchrzak, Ozren Stojanović, Dalila Ajjaji, Kalthoum Ben M’barek, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Robin Klemm
2024 - Cell Reports
9 Reconstitution of ORP-mediated lipid exchange coupled to PI4P metabolism
Nicolas Fuggetta, Nicola Rigolli, Maud Magdeleine, Amazigh Hamaï, Agnese Seminara, Guillaume Drin
2024 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Nicolas Fuggetta, Nicola Rigolli, Maud Magdeleine, Amazigh Hamaï, Agnese Seminara, Guillaume Drin
2024 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
10 Resource-rational account of sequential effects in human prediction
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Florent Meyniel, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2024 - eLife
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Florent Meyniel, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2024 - eLife
11 Two-fluid dynamics and micron-thin boundary layers shape cytoplasmic flows in early Drosophila embryos
Claudio Hernández-López, Alberto Puliafito, Yitong Xu, Ziqi Lu, Stefano Di Talia, Massimo Vergassola
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Claudio Hernández-López, Alberto Puliafito, Yitong Xu, Ziqi Lu, Stefano Di Talia, Massimo Vergassola
2023 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
12 LC3 conjugation to lipid droplets
Mohyeddine Omrane, Thomas Melia, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2023 - Autophagy
Mohyeddine Omrane, Thomas Melia, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2023 - Autophagy
13 Curvature in Biological Systems: Its Quantification, Emergence, and Implications across the Scales
Barbara Schamberger, Ricardo Ziege, Karine Anselme, Martine Ben Amar, Michał Bykowski, André P G Castro, Amaia Cipitria, Rhoslyn A Coles, Rumiana Dimova, Michaela Eder, Sebastian Ehrig, Luis M Escudero, Myfanwy E Evans, Paulo R Fernandes, Peter Fratzl, Liesbet Geris, Notburga Gierlinger, Edouard Hannezo, Aleš Iglič, Jacob J K Kirkensgaard, Philip Kollmannsberger, Łucja Kowalewska, Ioannis Papantoniou, Laurent Pieuchot, Tiago H V Pires, Lars D Renner, Andrew O Sageman‐furnas, Gerd E Schröder‐turk, Anupam Sengupta, Vikas R Sharma, Antonio Tagua, Caterina Tomba, Xavier Trepat, Sarah L Waters, Edwina F Yeo, Andreas Roschger, Cécile M Bidan, John W C Dunlop
2023 - Advanced Materials
Barbara Schamberger, Ricardo Ziege, Karine Anselme, Martine Ben Amar, Michał Bykowski, André P G Castro, Amaia Cipitria, Rhoslyn A Coles, Rumiana Dimova, Michaela Eder, Sebastian Ehrig, Luis M Escudero, Myfanwy E Evans, Paulo R Fernandes, Peter Fratzl, Liesbet Geris, Notburga Gierlinger, Edouard Hannezo, Aleš Iglič, Jacob J K Kirkensgaard, Philip Kollmannsberger, Łucja Kowalewska, Ioannis Papantoniou, Laurent Pieuchot, Tiago H V Pires, Lars D Renner, Andrew O Sageman‐furnas, Gerd E Schröder‐turk, Anupam Sengupta, Vikas R Sharma, Antonio Tagua, Caterina Tomba, Xavier Trepat, Sarah L Waters, Edwina F Yeo, Andreas Roschger, Cécile M Bidan, John W C Dunlop
2023 - Advanced Materials
14 Metamorphoses of the flow past an obstacle of a resonantly driven bistable polariton fluid
Vincent Hakim, Simon Pigeon, Amandine Aftalion
2023 - Physical Review B
Vincent Hakim, Simon Pigeon, Amandine Aftalion
2023 - Physical Review B
15 A comprehensive neural simulation of slow-wave sleep and highly responsive wakefulness dynamics
Jennifer S. Goldman, Lionel Kusch, David Aquilue, Bahar Hazal Yalçınkaya, Damien Depannemaecker, Kevin Ancourt, Trang-Anh Nghiem, Viktor Jirsa, Alain Destexhe
2023 - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Jennifer S. Goldman, Lionel Kusch, David Aquilue, Bahar Hazal Yalçınkaya, Damien Depannemaecker, Kevin Ancourt, Trang-Anh Nghiem, Viktor Jirsa, Alain Destexhe
2023 - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
16 Beta oscillations and waves in motor cortex can be accounted for by the interplay of spatially structured connectivity and fluctuating inputs
Ling Kang, Jonas Ranft, Vincent Hakim
2023 - eLife
Ling Kang, Jonas Ranft, Vincent Hakim
2023 - eLife
17 Sticky issues in turbulent transport
Antonio Celani, Gautam Reddy, Massimo Vergassola
2023 - Annales Henri Poincaré
Antonio Celani, Gautam Reddy, Massimo Vergassola
2023 - Annales Henri Poincaré
18 HaloTag-based reporters for sparse labeling and cell tracking
Lydie Couturier, Juan Luna, Khalil Mazouni, Claire Mestdagh, Minh-Son Phan, Francis Corson, Francois Schweisguth
2022 - Fly
Lydie Couturier, Juan Luna, Khalil Mazouni, Claire Mestdagh, Minh-Son Phan, Francis Corson, Francois Schweisguth
2022 - Fly
19 Manipulating the nature of embryonic mitotic waves
Luke Hayden, Woonyung Hur, Massimo Vergassola, Stefano Di Talia
2022 - Current Biology
Luke Hayden, Woonyung Hur, Massimo Vergassola, Stefano Di Talia
2022 - Current Biology
20 Alternation emerges as a multi-modal strategy for turbulent odor navigation
Nicola Rigolli, Gautam Reddy, Agnese Seminara, Massimo Vergassola
2022 - eLife
Nicola Rigolli, Gautam Reddy, Agnese Seminara, Massimo Vergassola
2022 - eLife
21 Waves in embryonic development
Stefano Di Talia, Massimo Vergassola
2022 - Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering
Stefano Di Talia, Massimo Vergassola
2022 - Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering
22 Cullin-5 mutants reveal collective sensing of the nucleocytoplasmic ratio in Drosophila embryogenesis
Luke Hayden, Anna Chao, Victoria E Deneke, Massimo Vergassola, Alberto Puliafito, Stefano Di Talia
2022 - Current Biology
Luke Hayden, Anna Chao, Victoria E Deneke, Massimo Vergassola, Alberto Puliafito, Stefano Di Talia
2022 - Current Biology
23 ICU Bed Availability Monitoring and analysis in the Grand Est region of France during the COVID-19 epidemic
Consortium Icubam, Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Maxime Dénès, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Sertan Girgin, François Husson, Valentin Iovene, Julie Josse, Antoine Kimmoun, François Landes, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Romain Primet, Frederico Quintao, Pierre Guillaume Raverdy, Vincent Rouvreau, Olivier Teboul, Roman Yurchak
2022 - Statistique et Société
Consortium Icubam, Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Maxime Dénès, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Sertan Girgin, François Husson, Valentin Iovene, Julie Josse, Antoine Kimmoun, François Landes, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Romain Primet, Frederico Quintao, Pierre Guillaume Raverdy, Vincent Rouvreau, Olivier Teboul, Roman Yurchak
2022 - Statistique et Société
24 Affinity maturation for an optimal balance between long-term immune coverage and short-term resource constraints
Victor Chardès, Massimo Vergassola, Aleksandra Walczak, Thierry Mora
2022 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Victor Chardès, Massimo Vergassola, Aleksandra Walczak, Thierry Mora
2022 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
25 Categorical Perception: A Groundwork for Deep Learning
Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2022 - Neural Computation
Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2022 - Neural Computation
26 Confidence-controlled Hebbian learning efficiently extracts category membership from stimuli encoded in view of a categorization task
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2022 - Neural Computation
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2022 - Neural Computation
27 Fluid mechanics of free subduction on a sphere. Part 1. The axisymmetric case
Alexander Chamolly, Neil M. Ribe
2021 - Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Alexander Chamolly, Neil M. Ribe
2021 - Journal of Fluid Mechanics
28 Modeling the mechanics of growing epithelia with a bilayer plate theory
Joseph Ackermann, Paul-Qiuyang Qu, Loïc Le Goff, Martine Ben Amar
2021 - The European Physical Journal Plus
Joseph Ackermann, Paul-Qiuyang Qu, Loïc Le Goff, Martine Ben Amar
2021 - The European Physical Journal Plus
29 Machine learning and computational modeling approaches towards detection of pathological activity markers in the cortex
Ivan Lazarevich
2021 - -THESE-
Ivan Lazarevich
2021 - -THESE-
30 Geometry of Gene Regulatory Dynamics
David A Rand, Archishman Raju, Meritxell Sáez, Francis Corson, Eric D Siggia
2021 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
David A Rand, Archishman Raju, Meritxell Sáez, Francis Corson, Eric D Siggia
2021 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
31 Origin of gradients in lipid density and surface tension between connected lipid droplet and bilayer
Abdou Rachid Thiam, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Forêt
2021 - Biophysical Journal
Abdou Rachid Thiam, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Forêt
2021 - Biophysical Journal
32 Human Inference in Changing Environments with Temporal Structure
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Robert Wilson, Jonathan Cohen, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2021 - Psychological Review
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Robert Wilson, Jonathan Cohen, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2021 - Psychological Review
33 Biases and Variability from Costly Bayesian Inference
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Florent Meyniel, Misha Tsodyks, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2021 - Entropy
Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Florent Meyniel, Misha Tsodyks, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
2021 - Entropy
34 Reciprocal stabilization of glycine receptors and gephyrin scaffold proteins at inhibitory synapses
Thomas Chapdelaine, Vincent Hakim, Antoine Triller, Jonas Ranft, Christian G Specht
2021 - Biophysical Journal
Thomas Chapdelaine, Vincent Hakim, Antoine Triller, Jonas Ranft, Christian G Specht
2021 - Biophysical Journal
35 Fat inclusions strongly alter membrane mechanics
Alexandre Santinho, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Foret, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2021 - Biophysical Journal
Alexandre Santinho, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Foret, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2021 - Biophysical Journal
36 From growing bubbles and dendrites to biological forms
Vincent Hakim
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
Vincent Hakim
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
37 Synchronization, stochasticity and phase waves in neuronal networks with spatially-structured connectivity
Anirudh Kulkarni, Jonas Ranft, Vincent Hakim
2020 - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Anirudh Kulkarni, Jonas Ranft, Vincent Hakim
2020 - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
38 Tissue-wide coordination of epithelium-to-neural stem cell transition in the Drosophila optic lobe requires Neuralized
Chloé Shard, Juan Luna-Escalante, François Schweisguth
2020 - Journal of Cell Biology
Chloé Shard, Juan Luna-Escalante, François Schweisguth
2020 - Journal of Cell Biology
39 From neural coding to decision-making
Kevin Berlemont
2020 - -THESE-
Kevin Berlemont
2020 - -THESE-
40 Detection of Topological Materials with Machine Learning
Nikolas Claussen, B. Andrei Bernevig, Nicolas Regnault
2020 - Physical Review B
Nikolas Claussen, B. Andrei Bernevig, Nicolas Regnault
2020 - Physical Review B
41 Cholinergic switch between two types of slow waves in cerebral cortex
Trang-Anh E. Nghiem, Núria Tort-Colet, Tomasz Gorski, Ulisse Ferrari, Shayan Moghimyfiroozabad, Jennifer S. Goldman, Bartosz Telenczuk, Cristiano Capone, Thierry Bal, Matteo Di Volo, Alain Destexhe
2020 - Cerebral Cortex
Trang-Anh E. Nghiem, Núria Tort-Colet, Tomasz Gorski, Ulisse Ferrari, Shayan Moghimyfiroozabad, Jennifer S. Goldman, Bartosz Telenczuk, Cristiano Capone, Thierry Bal, Matteo Di Volo, Alain Destexhe
2020 - Cerebral Cortex
42 Nonlinear neural network dynamics accounts for human confidence in a sequence of perceptual decisions
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Remy Martin, Jérôme Sackur, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2020 - Scientific Reports
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Remy Martin, Jérôme Sackur, Jean-Pierre Nadal
2020 - Scientific Reports
43 Scaling laws and snap-through events in indentation of perforated membranes
Fei Jia, Martine Ben Amar
2020 - Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Fei Jia, Martine Ben Amar
2020 - Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
44 A tensile ring drives tissue flows to shape the gastrulating amniote embryo
Mehdi Saadaoui, Didier Rocancourt, Julian Roussel, Francis Corson, Jerome Gros
2020 - Science
Mehdi Saadaoui, Didier Rocancourt, Julian Roussel, Francis Corson, Jerome Gros
2020 - Science
45 Tribute to an exemplary man: Yves Couder
Martine Ben Amar, Laurent Limat, Olivier Pouliquen, Emmanuel Villermaux
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
Martine Ben Amar, Laurent Limat, Olivier Pouliquen, Emmanuel Villermaux
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
46 Tip growth in morpho-elasticity
Martine Ben Amar, Julien Dervaux
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
Martine Ben Amar, Julien Dervaux
2020 - Comptes Rendus. Mécanique
47 Lifetime of a structure evolving by cluster aggregation and particle loss, and application to postsynaptic scaffold domains
Vincent Hakim, Jonas Ranft
2020 - Physical Review E
Vincent Hakim, Jonas Ranft
2020 - Physical Review E
48 The geometry of information coding in correlated neural populations
Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Fred Rieke
2020 - Annual Review of Neuroscience
Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Fred Rieke
2020 - Annual Review of Neuroscience
49 Modeling morphogenesis on epithelial tissues : from forces to geometry and back
Diego Contreras
2019 - -THESE-
Diego Contreras
2019 - -THESE-
50 Bridging single neuron dynamics to global brain states
Jennifer S Goldman, Núria Tort-Colet, Matteo Di Volo, Eduarda Susin, Jules Bouté, Mélissa Dali, Mallory Carlu, Trang-Anh Nghiem, Tomasz Gorski, Alain Destexhe
2019 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Jennifer S Goldman, Núria Tort-Colet, Matteo Di Volo, Eduarda Susin, Jules Bouté, Mélissa Dali, Mallory Carlu, Trang-Anh Nghiem, Tomasz Gorski, Alain Destexhe
2019 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience