51 Growth and remodelling of living tissues: perspectives, challenges and opportunities
Davide Ambrosi, Martine Ben Amar, Christian Cyron, Antonio Desimone, Alain Goriely, Jay Humphrey, Ellen Kuhl
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Davide Ambrosi, Martine Ben Amar, Christian Cyron, Antonio Desimone, Alain Goriely, Jay Humphrey, Ellen Kuhl
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
52 Self-Organization in Pattern Formation
François Schweisguth, Francis Corson
Developmental Cell
François Schweisguth, Francis Corson
Developmental Cell
53 Noisy Memory and Over-Reaction to News
Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Michael Woodford
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Michael Woodford
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
54 Self-Organized Nuclear Positioning Synchronizes the Cell Cycle in Drosophila Embryos
Victoria Deneke, Alberto Puliafito, Daniel Krueger, Avaneesh Narla, Alessandro de Simone, Luca Primo, Massimo Vergassola, Stefano de Renzis, Stefano Di Talia
Victoria Deneke, Alberto Puliafito, Daniel Krueger, Avaneesh Narla, Alessandro de Simone, Luca Primo, Massimo Vergassola, Stefano de Renzis, Stefano Di Talia
55 Microscopic study of the Halperin–Laughlin interface through matrix product states
Valentin Crépel, N. Claussen, Nicolas Regnault, B. Estienne
Nature Communications
Valentin Crépel, N. Claussen, Nicolas Regnault, B. Estienne
Nature Communications
56 Model states for a class of chiral topological order interfaces
Valentin Crépel, N. Claussen, B. Estienne, Nicolas Regnault
Nature Communications
Valentin Crépel, N. Claussen, B. Estienne, Nicolas Regnault
Nature Communications
57 Residential income segregation: A behavioral model of the housing market
Marco Pangallo, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Annick Vignes
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Marco Pangallo, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Annick Vignes
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
58 Functional Diversity in the Retina Improves the Population Code
Michael Berry Ii, Felix Lebois, Avi Ziskind, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
Neural Computation
Michael Berry Ii, Felix Lebois, Avi Ziskind, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
Neural Computation
59 Perceptual decision making: Biases in post-error reaction times explained by attractor network dynamics
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Pierre Nadal
Journal of Neuroscience
Kevin Berlemont, Jean-Pierre Nadal
Journal of Neuroscience
60 Glutamate spillover in C. elegans triggers repetitive behavior through presynaptic activation of MGL-2/mGluR5
Menachem Katz, Francis Corson, Wolfgang Keil, Anupriya Singhal, Andrea Bae, Yun Lu, Yupu Liang, Shai Shaham
Nature Communications
Menachem Katz, Francis Corson, Wolfgang Keil, Anupriya Singhal, Andrea Bae, Yun Lu, Yupu Liang, Shai Shaham
Nature Communications
61 Clonal pattern dynamics in tumor: the concept of cancer stem cells
Fabrizio Olmeda, Martine Ben Amar
Scientific Reports
Fabrizio Olmeda, Martine Ben Amar
Scientific Reports
62 SNARE Machinery is optimized for ultra-fast fusion
Fabio Manca, Frédéric Pincet, Lev Truskinovsky, James E Rothman, Lionel Foret, Matthieu Caruel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fabio Manca, Frédéric Pincet, Lev Truskinovsky, James E Rothman, Lionel Foret, Matthieu Caruel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
63 Physics of growing biological tissues: the complex cross-talk between cell activity, growth and resistance
Martine Ben Amar, Pierre Nassoy, Loïc Le Goff
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Martine Ben Amar, Pierre Nassoy, Loïc Le Goff
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences