1   Giant organelle vesicles to uncover intracellular membrane mechanics and plasticity
 Alexandre Santinho, Maxime Carpentier, Julio Lopes Sampaio, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2024 - Nature Communications
2   Perilipin membrane integration determines lipid droplet heterogeneity in differentiating adipocytes
 Mario Majchrzak, Ozren Stojanović, Dalila Ajjaji, Kalthoum Ben M’barek, Mohyeddine Omrane, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Robin Klemm
2024 - Cell Reports
3   Mentoring the next generation of cell biologists
 Derek Applewhite, Needhi Bhalla, Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid, Neta Erez, Mengfeng Li, Jose Polo, Tomohiko Taguchi, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Xiaochen Wang
2024 - Nature Cell Biology


4   Structural insights into perilipin 3 membrane association in response to diacylglycerol accumulation
 Yong Mi Choi, Dalila Ajjaji, Kaelin Fleming, Peter Borbat, Meredith Jenkins, Brandon Moeller, Shaveen Fernando, Surita Bhatia, Jack Freed, John Burke, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Michael Airola
2023 - Nature Communications
5   Acoustic droplet vaporization of perfluorohexane emulsions is induced by heterogeneous nucleation at an ultrasonic frequency of 1.1 MHz
 R. Ramesh, C. Thimonier, S. Desgranges, V. Faugeras, F. Coulouvrat, J. Laurent, G. Marrelec, C. Contino-Pépin, W. Urbach, C. Tribet, Nicolas Taulier
2023 - Langmuir
6   Étonnante physique
 Marie Le Merrer, Juliette Pierre, Tatiana Budtova, Frank Smallenburg, Hannelore Derluyn, Pascal Chabert, Pierre Nassoy, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Charlotte Rivière, Farah Savina, Claire Wilhelm, Martine Biarnes-Pelicot, Valentina Emiliani, Jihane Maalmi, Anke Lindner, Martyna Goral, Eric Clément, Emilie Capron, Jérôme Weiss, Antoine Venaille, Cathy Clerbaux, Frédérique Auriol, Dimitri Edouart, Tjarda J Roberts, Jacques Marteau, Pernelle Bernardi, Forget François, Nicolas Morange, Elisabeth Petit, Fatih Bellachia, Olivier Arnaez, Veronique Puill, Boris Hippolyte, Sarah Porteboeuf, Michael Bender, Jean-Claude Foy, Pauline Ascher, Silke Biermann, Jean Dalibard, Antoine Browaeys, Fabrice Wiotte, Anaïs Dréau, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, Matthieu Bellec, Freek Massee, Marco Aprili, Laure Huitema, Ronan Sauleau, Mauro Ettorre, Amor Nadji, Eléonore Roussel, François Mathieu, Florent Houdellier, Eric Collet, Sylvia Matzen, Thierry Douillard, Bérangère Lesaint, Annie Malchère, Christophe Boyaval, Kamel Haddadi, Michel Drouet, Emmanuel Lhuillier, Nora Dempsey, Carole Rossi, Daniel Brunner, M. Lejeune, Francoise Combes, F. Calore, Vincent Tatischeff, Marta Volonteri, Benoît Cerutti, Laurent Pinard, Claire Juramy, Pierre Karst, Didier Laporte, Francis Vezzu, Françoise Virieux, Emeric Bron, Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel, Arthur Vigan, Jean-Michel Courty, Julien Bobroff
2023 -
7   LC3 conjugation to lipid droplets
 Mohyeddine Omrane, Thomas Melia, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2023 - Autophagy
8   LC3B is lipidated to large lipid droplets during prolonged starvation for noncanonical autophagy
 Mohyeddine Omrane, Kalthoum Ben M'Barek, Alexandre Santinho, Nathan Nguyen, Shanta Nag, Thomas J Melia, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2023 - Developmental Cell
9   Cholesterol esters form supercooled lipid droplets whose nucleation is facilitated by triacylglycerols
 Calvin Dumesnil, Lauri Vanharanta, Xavier Prasanna, Mohyeddine Omrane, Maxime Carpentier, Apoorva Bhapkar, Giray Enkavi, Veijo Salo, Ilpo Vattulainen, Elina Ikonen, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2023 - Nature Communications


10   ORP5 and ORP8 orchestrate lipid droplet biogenesis and maintenance at ER–mitochondria contact sites
 Valentin Guyard, Vera Filipa Monteiro-Cardoso, Mohyeddine Omrane, Cécile Sauvanet, Audrey Houcine, Claire Boulogne, Kalthoum Ben Mbarek, Nicolas Vitale, Orestis Faklaris, Naima El Khallouki, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Francesca Giordano
2022 - Journal of Cell Biology
11   MOSPD2 is an endoplasmic reticulum–lipid droplet tether functioning in LD homeostasis
 Mehdi Zouiouich, Thomas Di Mattia, Arthur Martinet, Julie Eichler, Corinne Wendling, Nario Tomishige, Erwan Grandgirard, Nicolas Fuggetta, Catherine Fromental-Ramain, Giulia Mizzon, Calvin Dumesnil, Maxime Carpentier, Bernardo Reina-San-Martin, Carole Mathelin, Yannick Schwab, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Toshihide Kobayashi, Guillaume Drin, Catherine Tomasetto, Fabien Alpy
2022 - Journal of Cell Biology
12   Cell scientist to watch – Abdou Rachid Thiam
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Máté Pálfy
2022 - Journal of Cell Science
13   Impact of cyclization and methylation on peptide penetration through droplet interface bilayers
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Vincent Faugeras, Olivier Duclos, Didier Bazile, Abdou Thiam
2022 - Langmuir
14   HCV Core protein needs triacylglycerols to fold onto the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
 Dalila Ajjaji, Kalthoum Ben M’barek, Bertrand Boson, Mohyeddine Omrane, Ama Gassama‐diagne, Magali Blaud, François Penin, Elise Diaz, Bertrand Ducos, François-Loïc Cosset, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2022 - Traffic


15   Origin of gradients in lipid density and surface tension between connected lipid droplet and bilayer
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Forêt
2021 - Biophysical Journal
16   Handbook of Lipid Membranes
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Cyrus Safinya, Joachim Rädler
2021 -
17   Pre-existing bilayer stresses modulate triglyceride accumulation in the ER versus lipid droplets
 Valeria Zoni, Rasha Khaddaj, Pablo Campomanes, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Roger Schneiter, Stefano Vanni
2021 - eLife
18   Fat inclusions strongly alter membrane mechanics
 Alexandre Santinho, Aymeric Chorlay, Lionel Foret, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2021 - Biophysical Journal
19   Retinyl esters form lipid droplets independently of triacylglycerol and seipin
 Martijn R Molenaar, Kamlesh K Yadav, Alexandre Toulmay, Tsjerk A Wassenaar, Muriel C Mari, Lucie Caillon, Aymeric Chorlay, Ivan E Lukmantara, Maya W Haaker, Richard W Wubbolts, Martin Houweling, Arie Bas Vaandrager, Xavier Prieur, Fulvio Reggiori, Vineet Choudhary, Hongyuan Yang, Roger Schneiter, Abdou Rachid Thiam, William A Prinz, J. Bernd Bernd Helms
2021 - Journal of Cell Biology


20   Lipid Droplet Nucleation
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Elina Ikonen
2020 - Trends in Cell Biology
21   Triacylglycerols sequester monotopic membrane proteins to lipid droplets
 Lucie Caillon, Vincent Nieto, Pauline Gehan, Mohyeddine Omrane, Nicolas Rodriguez, Luca Monticelli, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2020 - Nature Communications
22   Making Droplet-Embedded Vesicles to Model Cellular Lipid Droplets
 Aymeric Chorlay, Alexandre Santinho, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2020 - STAR Protocols
23   Membrane determinants for the passive translocation of analytes through droplet interface bilayers
 Vincent Faugeras, Olivier Duclos, Didier Bazile, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2020 - Soft Matter
24   Membrane curvature catalyzes lipid droplet assembly
 Alexandre Santinho, Veijo Salo, Aymeric Chorlay, Shiqian Li, Xin Zhou, Mohyeddine Omrane, Elina Ikonen, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2020 - Current Biology
25   Neutral lipids regulate amphipathic helix affinity for model lipid droplets
 Aymeric Chorlay, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2020 - Journal of Cell Biology
26   Mechanisms of protein targeting to lipid droplets: A unified cell biological and biophysical perspective
 Aymeric Chorlay, Ravi Dhiman, Stefanie Caesar, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Bianca Schrul
2020 - Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
27   Penetratin translocation mechanism through asymmetric droplet interface bilayers
 P. Gehan, Simon Kulifaj, P. Soule, J.B. Bodin, Mehdi Amoura, Astrid Walrant, Sandrine Sagan, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Kieu Ngo, Vincent Vivier, S. Cribier, N. Rodriguez
2020 - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta:Biomembranes


28   Physique de la biogenèse des corps lipidiques
 Aymeric Chorlay
2019 - -THESE-
29   Seipin Facilitates Triglyceride Flow to Lipid Droplet and Counteracts Droplet Ripening via Endoplasmic Reticulum Contact
 Veijo Salo, Shiqian Li, Helena Vihinen, Maarit Hölttä-Vuori, Abel Szkalisity, Peter Horvath, Ilya Belevich, Johan Peränen, Christoph Thiele, Pentti Somerharju, Hongxia Zhao, Alexandre Santinho, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Eija Jokitalo, Elina Ikonen
2019 - Developmental Cell
30   Membrane Asymmetry Imposes Directionality on Lipid Droplet Emergence from the ER
 Aymeric Chorlay, Luca Monticelli, Joana Veríssimo Ferreira, Kalthoum Ben M'Barek, Dalila Ajjaji, Sihui Wang, Errin E. Johnson, Rainer Beck, Mohyeddine Omrane, Mathias Beller, Pedro Carvalho, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2019 - Developmental Cell
31   Lipid droplet–membrane contact sites – from protein binding to function
 Abdou Rachid Thiam, Isabelle Dugail
2019 - Journal of Cell Science
32   Dual binding motifs underpin the hierarchical association of perilipins1–3 with lipid droplets
 Dalila Ajjaji, Kalthoum Ben M'Barek, Michael L Mimmack, Cheryl England, Haya Herscovitz, Liang Dong, Richard G Kay, Satish Patel, Vladimir Saudek, Donald M Small, David B Savage, Abdou Rachid Thiam
2019 - Molecular Biology of the Cell
33   Septin 9 has Two Polybasic Domains Critical to Septin Filament Assembly and Golgi Integrity
 Mohyeddine Omrane, Amanda Souza Camara, Cyntia Taveneau, Nassima Benzoubir, Thibault Tubiana, Jinchao Yu, Raphaël Guérois, Didier Samuel, Bruno Goud, Christian Poüs, Stéphane Bressanelli, Richard Charles Garratt, Abdou Rachid Thiam, Ama Gassama-Diagne
2019 - iScience