1   Actin-based deformations of the nucleus control multiciliated ependymal cell differentiation
 Marianne Basso, Alexia Mahuzier, Syed Kaabir Ali, Anaïs Marty, Marion Faucourt, Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil, Ayush Srivastava, Michella Khoury Damaa, Alexia Bankolé, Alice Meunier, Ayako Yamada, Julie Plastino, Nathalie Spassky, Nathalie Delgehyr
2024 - Developmental Cell
2   Inferring geometrical dynamics of cell nucleus translocation
 Sirine Amiri, Yirui Zhang, Andonis Gerardos, Cécile Sykes, Pierre Ronceray
2024 - Physical Review Research


3   The secret life of the protein VASP
 Julie Plastino
2023 - Nature Physics
4   Steering self-organisation through confinement
 Nuno Araújo, Liesbeth Janssen, Thomas Barois, Guido Boffetta, Itai Cohen, Alessandro Corbetta, Olivier Dauchot, Marjolein Dijkstra, William Durham, Audrey Dussutour, Simon Garnier, Hanneke Gelderblom, Ramin Golestanian, Lucio Isa, Gijsje Koenderink, Hartmut Löwen, Ralf Metzler, Marco Polin, C. Patrick Royall, Anđela Šarić, Anupam Sengupta, Cécile Sykes, Vito Trianni, Idan Tuval, Nicolas Vogel, Julia Yeomans, Iker Zuriguel, Alvaro Marin, Giorgio Volpe
2023 - Soft Matter


5   Reconstitution of Actin-Based Motility with Commercially Available Proteins
 Cécile Sykes, Julie Plastino
2022 - Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE

Previous publications of the team (Institut Curie)


Year of publication 2022


Eweis DS, Delattre M, Plastino J Asymmetry is defined during meiosis in the oocyte of the parthenogenetic nematode Diploscapter pachys.
Developmental Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2021.12.013


Year of publication 2020


Abou-Ghali M, Kusters R, Körber S, Manzi J, Faix J, Sykes C, Plastino J Capping protein is dispensable for polarized actin network growth and actin-based motility
Journal of Biological Chemistry DOI : 10.1074/jbc.RA120.015009

Davidson PM, Battistella A, Déjardin T, Betz T, Plastino J, Cadot B, Borghi N, Sykes C Nesprin-2 accumulates at the front of the nucleus during confined cell migration
EMBO Reports DOI : 10.15252/embr.201949910

Samandar Eweis D, Plastino J Roles of actin in the morphogenesis of the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo
International Journal of Molecular Sciences DOI : 10.3390/ijms21103652

Gat S, Simon C, Campillo C, Bernheim-Groswasser A, Sykes C Finger-like membrane protrusions are favored by heterogeneities in the actin network
Soft Matter DOI : 10.1039/c9sm02444a

Allard A, Bouzid M, Betz T, Simon C, Abou-Ghali M, Lemière J, Valentino F, Manzi J, Brochard-Wyart F, Guevorkian K, Plastino J, Lenz M, Campillo C*, Sykes C* Actin modulates shape and mechanics of tubular membranes
Science Advances DOI : 10.1126/sciadv.aaz3050


Year of publication 2019


Kusters R, Simon C, Lopes Dos Santos R, Caorsi V, Wu S, Joanny JF, Sens P, Sykes C Actin shells control buckling and wrinkling of biomembranes
Soft Matter DOI : 10.1039/c9sm01902b

Simon C*, Kusters R*, Caorsi V*, Allard A, Abou-Ghali M, Manzi J, Di Cicco A, Lévy D, Lenz M, Joanny J-F, Campillo C, Plastino J, Sens P*, Sykes C* Actin dynamics drive cell-like membrane deformation
Nature Physics DOI : 10.1038/s41567-019-0464-1

Dreier J, Castello M, Coceano G, Cáceres R, Plastino J, Vicidomini G, Testa I Smart scanning for low-illumination and fast RESOLFT nanoscopy in vivo
Nature Communications DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-08442-4

Kelley LC, Chi Q, Cáceres R, Hastie E, Schindler AJ, Jiang Y, Matus DQ, Plastino J, Sherwood DR Adaptive F-actin polymerization and localized ATP production drive basement membrane invasion in the absence of MMPs
Developmental Cell DOI : 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.12.018


Year of publication 2018


Cáceres R, Bojanala N, Kelley LC, Dreier J, Manzi J, Di Federico F, Chi Q, Risler T, Testa I, Sherwood DR, Plastino J Forces drive basement membrane invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA DOI : 10.1073/pnas.1808760115

Plastino J, Blanchoin L Dynamic stability of the actin ecosystem
Journal of Cell Science DOI : 10.1242/jcs.219832

Simon C, Caorsi V, Campillo C, Sykes C Interplay between membrane tension and the actin cytoskeleton determines shape changes
Physical Biology DOI : 10.1088/1478-3975/aad1ab

Bassereau P, Jin R, Baumgart T, Deserno M, Dimova R, Frolov VA, Bashkirov PV, Grubmüller H, Jahn R, Risselada HJ, Johannes L, Kozlov MM, Lipowsky R, Pucadyil TJ, Zeno WF, Stachowiak JC, Stamou D, Breuer A, Lauritsen L, Simon C, Sykes C, Voth GA, Weikl TR The 2018 biomembrane curvature and remodeling roadmap.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics DOI : 10.1088/1361-6463/aacb98

Sherwood DR, Plastino J Invading, leading and navigating cells in Caenorhabditis elegans: insights into cell movement in vivo
Genetics DOI : 10.1534/genetics.117.300082