51 Out-of-time-order correlations and the fine structure of eigenstate thermalization
Marlon Brenes, Silvia Pappalardi, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold, Alessandro Silva
2021 - Physical Review E
Marlon Brenes, Silvia Pappalardi, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold, Alessandro Silva
2021 - Physical Review E
52 Complex complex landscapes
Jaron Kent-Dobias, Jorge Kurchan
2021 - Physical Review Research
Jaron Kent-Dobias, Jorge Kurchan
2021 - Physical Review Research
53 Universal force correlations in an RNA-DNA unzipping experiment
Kay Joerg Wiese, Mathilde Bercy, Lena Melkonyan, Thierry Bizebard
2020 - Physical Review Research
Kay Joerg Wiese, Mathilde Bercy, Lena Melkonyan, Thierry Bizebard
2020 - Physical Review Research
54 An exact mapping between loop-erased random walks and an interacting field theory with two fermions and one boson
Assaf Shapira, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - SciPost Physics
Assaf Shapira, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - SciPost Physics
55 Application of irreversible Monte Carlo in realistic long-range systems
Liang Qin
2020 - -THESE-
Liang Qin
2020 - -THESE-
56 Impurity immersed in a double Fermi Sea
Ragheed Alhyder, Xavier Leyronas, Frederic Chevy
2020 - Physical Review A
Ragheed Alhyder, Xavier Leyronas, Frederic Chevy
2020 - Physical Review A
57 Extreme events for fractional Brownian motion with drift: Theory and numerical validation
Maxence Arutkin, Benjamin Walter, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
Maxence Arutkin, Benjamin Walter, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
58 Sampling first-passage times of fractional Brownian Motion using adaptive bisections
Benjamin Walter, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
Benjamin Walter, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
59 Fractal dimension of critical curves in the $O(n)$-symmetric $\phi^4$-model and crossover exponent at 6-loop order: Loop-erased random walks, self-avoiding walks, Ising, XY and Heisenberg models
Mikhail Kompaniets, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
Mikhail Kompaniets, Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Physical Review E
60 High-precision numerical solution of the Fermi polaron problem and large-order behavior of its diagrammatic series
Kris van Houcke, Felix Werner, Riccardo Rossi
2020 - Physical Review B
Kris van Houcke, Felix Werner, Riccardo Rossi
2020 - Physical Review B
61 JeLLyFysh-Version1.0 -a Python application for all-atom event-chain Monte Carlo
Philipp Höllmer, Liang Qin, Michael F Faulkner, A C Maggs, Werner Krauth
2020 - Computer Physics Communications
Philipp Höllmer, Liang Qin, Michael F Faulkner, A C Maggs, Werner Krauth
2020 - Computer Physics Communications
62 Duality and hidden equilibrium in transport models
Rouven Frassek, Cristian Giardina, Jorge Kurchan
2020 - SciPost Physics
Rouven Frassek, Cristian Giardina, Jorge Kurchan
2020 - SciPost Physics
63 Quasi-integrable systems are slow to thermalize but may be good scramblers
Tomer Goldfriend, Jorge Kurchan
2020 - Physical Review E
Tomer Goldfriend, Jorge Kurchan
2020 - Physical Review E
64 Span observables: "When is a foraging rabbit no longer hungry?
Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Journal of Statistical Physics
Kay Joerg Wiese
2020 - Journal of Statistical Physics
66 Depinning transition of charge-density waves: mapping onto $O(n)$ symmetric $\phi^4$ theory with $n\to -2$ and loop-erased random walks
Kay Joerg Wiese, Andrei A. Fedorenko
2019 - Physical Review Letters
Kay Joerg Wiese, Andrei A. Fedorenko
2019 - Physical Review Letters
67 Distribution of velocities in an avalanche, and related quantities: Theory and numerical verification
Alejandro B. Kolton, Pierre Le Doussal, Kay Joerg Wiese
2019 - EPL - Europhysics Letters
Alejandro B. Kolton, Pierre Le Doussal, Kay Joerg Wiese
2019 - EPL - Europhysics Letters
68 Equilibrium and dynamics of a multi-bath Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model
Pierluigi Contucci, Jorge Kurchan, Emanuele Mingione
2019 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Pierluigi Contucci, Jorge Kurchan, Emanuele Mingione
2019 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
69 A kinetic-Monte Carlo perspective on active matter
Juliane U. Klamser, Sebastian C. Kapfer, Werner Krauth
2019 - The Journal of Chemical Physics
Juliane U. Klamser, Sebastian C. Kapfer, Werner Krauth
2019 - The Journal of Chemical Physics
70 Event-chain Monte Carlo with factor fields
Ze Lei, Werner Krauth, A C Maggs
2019 - Physical Review E
Ze Lei, Werner Krauth, A C Maggs
2019 - Physical Review E
71 First passage in an interval for fractional Brownian motion
Kay Jörg Wiese
2019 - Physical Review E
Kay Jörg Wiese
2019 - Physical Review E
72 Equilibration of quasi-integrable systems
Tomer Goldfriend, Jorge Kurchan
2019 - Physical Review E
Tomer Goldfriend, Jorge Kurchan
2019 - Physical Review E
73 Behavior of random RNA secondary structures near the glass transition
William D. Baez, Kay Jörg Wiese, Ralf Bundschuh
2019 - Physical Review E
William D. Baez, Kay Jörg Wiese, Ralf Bundschuh
2019 - Physical Review E
74 Solid-liquid transition of skyrmions in a two-dimensional chiral magnet
Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Koji Hukushima, Werner Krauth
2019 - Physical Review B
Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Koji Hukushima, Werner Krauth
2019 - Physical Review B
75 Diagrammatic Monte Carlo algorithm for the resonant Fermi gas
K. van Houcke, Felix Werner, T. Ohgoe, N Prokofev, B. V Svistunov
2019 - Physical Review B
K. van Houcke, Felix Werner, T. Ohgoe, N Prokofev, B. V Svistunov
2019 - Physical Review B
76 Few Versus Many-Body Physics of an Impurity Immersed in a Superfluid of Spin 1/2 Attractive Fermions
M. Pierce, X. Leyronas, F. Chevy
2019 - Physical Review Letters
M. Pierce, X. Leyronas, F. Chevy
2019 - Physical Review Letters
77 Field Theories for Loop-Erased Random Walks
Kay Joerg Wiese, Andrei A. Fedorenko
2019 - Nuclear Physics B
Kay Joerg Wiese, Andrei A. Fedorenko
2019 - Nuclear Physics B
78 Classical Glasses, Black Holes, and Strange Quantum Liquids
Davide Facoetti, Giulio Biroli, Jorge Kurchan, David R. Reichman
2019 - Physical Review B
Davide Facoetti, Giulio Biroli, Jorge Kurchan, David R. Reichman
2019 - Physical Review B
79 Eigenstate Thermalization and Rotational Invariance in Ergodic Quantum Systems
Laura Foini, Jorge Kurchan
2019 - Physical Review Letters
Laura Foini, Jorge Kurchan
2019 - Physical Review Letters
80 Recombination Effects on Supernova Light Curves
Tamar Faran, Tomer Goldfriend, Ehud Nakar, Re'Em Sari
2019 - The Astrophysical Journal
Tamar Faran, Tomer Goldfriend, Ehud Nakar, Re'Em Sari
2019 - The Astrophysical Journal