1 Cooperative growth in microbial communities is a driver of multistability
William Lopes, Daniel Amor, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications
William Lopes, Daniel Amor, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications
2 Observing G4 formation and its resolution by Pif1 in real time by manipulation under magnetic tweezers
Jessica Valle-Orero, Martin Rieu, Jean-François Allemand, Dulamkhuu Bujaa, Alexandra Joubert, Phong Lan Thao Tran, Vincent Croquette, Jean-Baptiste Boulé
Jessica Valle-Orero, Martin Rieu, Jean-François Allemand, Dulamkhuu Bujaa, Alexandra Joubert, Phong Lan Thao Tran, Vincent Croquette, Jean-Baptiste Boulé
3 Caged Dexamethasone to Photo‐control the Development of Embryos through Activation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor
Mrinal Mandal, Pierluigi Scerbo, Ian Coghill, Jean‐françois Riou, Christian Bochet, Bertrand Ducos, David Bensimon, Thomas Le Saux, Isabelle Aujard, Ludovic Jullien
Chemistry - A European Journal
Mrinal Mandal, Pierluigi Scerbo, Ian Coghill, Jean‐françois Riou, Christian Bochet, Bertrand Ducos, David Bensimon, Thomas Le Saux, Isabelle Aujard, Ludovic Jullien
Chemistry - A European Journal