1   Superfluid density of a photo-induced superconducting state
 A. Shtyk, G. Goldstein, Camille Aron, C. Chamon
2020 - Physical Review B
2   Nonanalytic nonequilibrium field theory: Stochastic reheating of the Ising model
 Camille Aron, Manas Kulkarni
2020 - Physical Review Research
3   Long-range interactions in the avalanches of elastic interfaces
 Clément Le Priol
2020 - -THESE-
4   Half-Space Stationary Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Equation
 Guillaume Barraquand, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Journal of Statistical Physics
5   Universal properties of a run-and-tumble particle in arbitrary dimension
 Francesco Mori, Pierre Le Doussal, Satya N. Majumdar, Grégory Schehr
2020 - Physical Review E
6   Thermodynamic instabilities in holographic neutron stars at finite temperature
 Carlos R Argüelles, Tobias Canavesi, Manuel Díaz, Nicolas Grandi
2020 - Classical and Quantum Gravity
7   From Stochastic Spin Chains to Quantum Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Dynamics
 Tony Jin, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Denis Bernard
2020 - Physical Review Letters
8   Landau theory for non-equilibrium steady states
 Camille Aron, Claudio Chamon
2020 - SciPost Physics
9   Moderate deviations for diffusion in time dependent random media
 Guillaume Barraquand, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
10   Velocity and diffusion constant of an active particle in a one-dimensional force field
 Pierre Le Doussal, Satya N. Majumdar, Gregory Schehr
2020 - EPL - Europhysics Letters
11   Manifolds pinned by a high-dimensional random landscape: Hessian at the global energy minimum
 Yan Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Journal of Statistical Physics
12   Stochastic growth in time-dependent environments
 Guillaume Barraquand, Pierre Le Doussal, Alberto Rosso
2020 - Physical Review E
13   Large deviations for the Kardar– Parisi–Zhang equation from the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation
 Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
14   Correlations between avalanches in the depinning dynamics of elastic interfaces
 Pierre Le Doussal, Thimothée Thiery
2020 - Physical Review E
15   Universal Survival Probability for a d -Dimensional Run-and-Tumble Particle
 Francesco Mori, Pierre Le Doussal, Satya Majumdar, Gregory Schehr
2020 - Physical Review Letters
16   Bond percolation thresholds on Archimedean lattices from critical polynomial roots
 Christian R Scullard, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
2020 - Physical Review Research
17   Manifolds in a high-dimensional random landscape: Complexity of stationary points and depinning
 Yan Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Physical Review E
18   Universal Scaling of the Velocity Field in Crack Front Propagation
 Clément Le Priol, Pierre Le Doussal, Laurent Ponson, Alberto Rosso, Julien Chopin
2020 - Physical Review Letters
19   Probing large deviations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation at short times with an importance sampling of directed polymers in random media
 Alexander Hartmann, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Physical Review E
20   Delta-Bose gas on a half-line and the KPZ equation: boundary bound states and unbinding transitions
 Jacopo de Nardis, Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal, Thimothée Thiery
2020 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
21   $N$-cluster correlations in four- and five-dimensional percolation
 Xiaojun Tan, Youjin Deng, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
2020 - Frontiers of Physics
22   Statistics of extremes in eigenvalue-counting staircases
 Yan V. Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Physical Review Letters
23   Noninteracting trapped Fermions in double-well potentials: inverted parabola kernel
 Naftali R. Smith, David S. Dean, Pierre Le Doussal, Satya N. Majumdar, Grégory Schehr
2020 - Physical Review A
24   Geometrical four-point functions in the two-dimensional critical $Q$-state Potts model: The interchiral conformal bootstrap
 Yifei He, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
25   Manifolds Pinned by a High-Dimensional Random Landscape: Hessian at the Global Energy Minimum
 Yan Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - Journal of Statistical Physics
26   The action of the Virasoro algebra in the two-dimensional Potts and loop models at generic $Q$
 Linnea Grans-Samuelsson, Lawrence Liu, Yifei He, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
27   Cylinder partition function of the 6-vertex model from algebraic geometry
 Zoltan Bajnok, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Yunfeng Jiang, Rafael I. Nepomechie, Yang Zhang
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
28   Entanglement entropy growth in stochastic conformal field theory and the KPZ class
 Denis Bernard, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - EPL - Europhysics Letters
29   Universal fluctuations around typicality for quantum ergodic systems
 Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard, Tony Jin
2020 - Physical Review E
30   On Generalized $Q$-systems
 Zoltán Bajnok, Etienne Granet, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Rafael I. Nepomechie
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
31   Geometrical four-point functions in the two-dimensional critical Q-state Potts model: connections with the RSOS models
 Yifei He, Linnea Grans-Samuelsson, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
32   Large deviations for sticky Brownian motions
 Guillaume Barraquand, Mark Rychnovsky
2020 - Electronic Journal of Probability
33   Analytic continuation of Bethe energies and application to the thermodynamic limit of the $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ non-compact spin chains
 Etienne Granet, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
34   Replica Bethe Ansatz solution to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation on the half-line
 Alexandre Krajenbrink, Pierre Le Doussal
2020 - SciPost Physics
35   Integrable boundary conditions in the antiferromagnetic Potts model
 Niall F. Robertson, Michal Pawelkiewicz, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
36   On zero-remainder conditions in the Bethe ansatz
 Etienne Granet, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
2020 - Journal of High Energy Physics
37   How to generate the tip of branching random walks evolved to large times
 Éric Brunet, Anh Dung Le, Alfred H. Mueller, Stéphane Munier
2020 - EPL - Europhysics Letters
38   Half-Space Macdonald Processes
 Guillaume Barraquand, Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin
2020 - Forum of Mathematics, Pi