101   Anomalous dynamics on the ergodic side of the many-body localization transition and the glassy phase of directed polymers in random media
 G. Biroli, M. Tarzia
2020 - Physical Review B
102   Learning performance in inverse Ising problems with sparse teacher couplings
 Alia Abbara, Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yingying Xu
2020 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
103   Mutual Information and Optimality of Approximate Message-Passing in Random Linear Estimation
 Jean Barbier, Nicolas Macris, Mohamad Dia, Florent Krzakala
2020 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
104   The role of regularization in classification of high-dimensional noisy Gaussian mixture
 Francesca Mignacco, Florent Krzakala, Yue M. Lu, Lenka Zdeborová
2020 -
105   Depletion of Two-Level Systems in Ultrastable Computer-Generated Glasses
 Dmytro Khomenko, Camille Scalliet, Ludovic Berthier, David Reichman, Francesco Zamponi
2020 - Physical Review Letters
106   Complex interactions can create persistent fluctuations in high-diversity ecosystems
 Felix Roy, Matthieu Barbier, Giulio Biroli, Guy Bunin
2020 - PLoS Computational Biology
107   Force balance controls the relaxation time of the gradient descent algorithm in the satisfiable phase
 Sungmin Hwang, Harukuni Ikeda
2020 - Physical Review E
108   How to iron out rough landscapes and get optimal performances: averaged gradient descent and its application to tensor PCA
 Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
109   Jamming with Tunable Roughness
 Harukuni Ikeda, Carolina Brito, Matthieu Wyart, Francesco Zamponi
2020 - Physical Review Letters
110   Numerical solution of the dynamical mean field theory of infinite-dimensional equilibrium liquids
 Alessandro Manacorda, Gregory Schehr, Francesco Zamponi
2020 - The Journal of Chemical Physics
111   On the universality of noiseless linear estimation with respect to the measurement matrix
 Alia Abbara, Antoine Baker, Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborová
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
112   Compressed sensing reconstruction using Expectation Propagation
 Alfredo Braunstein, Anna Paola Muntoni, Andrea Pagnani, Mirko Pieropan
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
113   Machine learning glasses
 Giulio Biroli
2020 - Nature Physics
114   Fundamental limits of detection in the spiked Wigner model
 Ahmed El Alaoui, Florent Krzakala, Michael Jordan
2020 - The Annals of Statistics
115   Blind calibration for compressed sensing: State evolution and an online algorithm
 Marylou Gabrié, Jean Barbier, Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborová
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
116   Distribution of rare saddles in the p -spin energy landscape
 Valentina Ros
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
117   Scaling description of generalization with number of parameters in deep learning
 Mario Geiger, Arthur Jacot, Stefano Spigler, Franck Gabriel, Levent Sagun, Stéphane D’ascoli, Giulio Biroli, Clément Hongler, Matthieu Wyart
2020 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
118   Attractive versus truncated repulsive supercooled liquids: The dynamics is encoded in the pair correlation function
 François P. Landes, Giulio Biroli, Olivier Dauchot, Andrea Liu, David Reichman
2020 - Physical Review E
119   Anderson transition on the Bethe lattice: an approach with real energies
 Giorgio Parisi, Saverio Pascazio, Francesca Pietracaprina, Valentina Ros, Antonello Scardicchio
2020 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
120   Glass stability changes the nature of yielding under oscillatory shear
 Wei-Ting Yeh, Misaki Ozawa, Kunimasa Miyazaki, Takeshi Kawasaki, Ludovic Berthier
2020 - Physical Review Letters
121   Role of fluctuations in the yielding transition of two-dimensional glasses
 Misaki Ozawa, Ludovic Berthier, Giulio Biroli, Gilles Tarjus
2020 - Physical Review Research
122   Reservoir Computing meets Recurrent Kernels and Structured Transforms
 Jonathan Dong, Ruben Ohana, Mushegh Rafayelyan, Florent Krzakala
2020 - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
123   Dynamics of stochastic gradient descent for two-layer neural networks in the teacher–student setup
 Sebastian Goldt, Madhu S Advani, Andrew M Saxe, Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborová
2020 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
124   Large-Scale Optical Reservoir Computing for Spatiotemporal Chaotic Systems Prediction
 Mushegh Rafayelyan, Jonathan Dong, Yongqi Tan, Florent Krzakala, Sylvain Gigan
2020 - Physical Review X
125   An analytic theory of shallow networks dynamics for hinge loss classification
 Franco Pellegrini, Giulio Biroli
126   Triple descent and the two kinds of overfitting: Where & why do they appear?
 Stéphane d'Ascoli, Levent Sagun, Giulio Biroli
2020 -
127   Predicting plasticity in disordered solids from structural indicators
 D. Richard, Misaki Ozawa, S. Patinet, E. Stanifer, B. Shang, S. A. Ridout, B. Xu, G. Zhang, P. K. Morse, J. -L. Barrat, Ludovic Berthier, M. L. Falk, P. Guan, A. J. Liu, K. Martens, S. Sastry, D. Vandembroucq, E. Lerner, M. L. Manning
2020 - Physical Review Materials
128   Large deviations for the largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of spiked Gaussian random matrices
 Giulio Biroli, Alice Guionnet
2020 - Electronic Communications in Probability
129   Brittle yielding of amorphous solids at finite shear rates
 Murari Singh, Misaki Ozawa, Ludovic Berthier
2020 - Physical Review Materials
130   Complex Dynamics in Simple Neural Networks: Understanding Gradient Flow in Phase Retrieval
 Stefano Sarao Mannelli, Giulio Biroli, Chiara Cammarota, Florent Krzakala, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Lenka Zdeborová
131   Optical Reservoir Computing Using Multiple Light Scattering for Chaotic Systems Prediction
 Jonathan Dong, Mushegh Rafayelyan, Florent Krzakala, Sylvain Gigan
2020 - IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
132   Double Trouble in Double Descent : Bias and Variance(s) in the Lazy Regime
 Stéphane d'Ascoli, Maria Refinetti, Giulio Biroli, Florent Krzakala


133   Theory of Simple Glasses
 Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi
2019 -
134   Blind Calibration for Sparse Regression: A State Evolution Analysis
 Marylou Gabrie, Jean Barbier, Florent Krzakala, Lenka Zdeborova
2019 - CAMSAP 2019 - Proceedings
135   Self-planting: digging holes in rough landscapes
 Dhruv Sharma, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Marco Tarzia, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
136   Nature of excitations and defects in structural glasses
 Camille Scalliet, Ludovic Berthier, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - Nature Communications
137   Comparing dynamics: deep neural networks versus glassy systems
 Marco Baity-Jesi, Levent Sagun, Mario Geiger, Stefano Spigler, Gérard Ben Arous, Chiara Cammarota, Yann Lecun, Matthieu Wyart, Giulio Biroli
2019 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
138   Numerical implementation of dynamical mean field theory for disordered systems: application to the Lotka–Volterra model of ecosystems
 F. Roy, Giulio Biroli, G Bunin, C. Cammarota
2019 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
139   A jamming transition from under- to over-parametrization affects generalization in deep learning
 S Spigler, M Geiger, Stéphane d'Ascoli, L Sagun, Giulio Biroli, M Wyart
2019 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
140   High-temperature expansions and message passing algorithms
 Antoine Maillard, Laura Foini, Alejandro Lage Castellanos, Florent Krzakala, Marc Mezard, Lenka Zdeborová
2019 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
141   Adaptive cluster expansion for Ising spin models
 Simona Cocco, Giancarlo Croce, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
142   Strong anisotropy of superfluid He 4 counterflow turbulence
 L. Biferale, Dmytro Khomenko, V. L'Vov, A. Pomyalov, I. Procaccia, G. Sahoo
2019 - Physical Review B
143   Towards an understanding of neural networks : mean-field incursions
 Marylou Gabrié
2019 - -THESE-
144   Gardner physics in amorphous solids and beyond
 Ludovic Berthier, Giulio Biroli, Patrick Charbonneau, Eric I. Corwin, Silvio Franz, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - The Journal of Chemical Physics
145   Maximum-energy records in glassy energy landscapes
 Ivailo Hartarsky, Marco Baity-Jesi, Riccardo Ravasio, Alain Billoire, Giulio Biroli
2019 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
146   Mean-field stability map of hard-sphere glasses
 Ada Altieri, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - Physical Review E
147   On the critical exponent α of the 5D random-field Ising model
 Nikolaos G. Fytas, Giorgio Parisi, Marco Picco, Nicolas Sourlas, Víctor Martín-Mayor
2019 - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
148   Nonconvex image reconstruction via expectation propagation
 Anna Paola Muntoni, Rafael Díaz Hernández Rojas, Alfredo Braunstein, Andrea Pagnani, Isaac Pérez Castillo
2019 - Physical Review E
149   Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for out-of-equilibrium Green's functions at long times
 Corentin Bertrand, Olivier Parcollet, Antoine Maillard, Xavier Waintal
2019 - Physical Review B
150   Mean field theory of jamming of nonspherical particles
 Harukuni Ikeda, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi
2019 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical